Thursday, December 22, 2022


Merry Christmas! Now that we are both octogenarians and have been married for over half a century, we have pretty much arrived at a harmonious delineation of roles and responsibilities.  This time of the year, it is Klep’s responsibility to address, stamp, sign, and mail the Christmas cards.  My responsibility is to write some sort of Christmas missive to share with our friends and family.  As the cards from some of you more timely souls march across the old buffet in our hallway, I am reminded that I best get to my part of the bargain.

We rejoice that we have shared another trip around the sun together.  We are a little older, a little greyer, and a little more set in our ways than last year.  Our offspring are middle-aged (how did that happen?) and we are grandparents of two lovely teenagers who excel in sports, academics, and eye-rolling.   AG and LK grow more lovely each year and are our great blessings. 

Our year has been a mix of very busy times and long lazy days.  We decided early this year that we probably will not have too many more gallivanting years.  Therefore, we set about to do as much traveling as we could fit in.  We had four cruises, a week in Scotland, tulips in Holland, visits to Normandy and Ypres, trips to Tennessee and fall color in New England mixed in with shared times with the family, VBS at church, and the requisite various doctor appointments for people our age.  Toss in a little time to the case of Covid we both had in early September, and you’ve got a feel for our year.

 We pray that you all are doing well and that you have the merriest of Christmases and a jolly good 2023.   Keep in touch!

P.S.  As I post this on the blog and on Facebook, we are facing a blast of cold air coming in for Christmas.  Stay warm and stay safe!