Friday, August 26, 2016

From Mosquito Gardens to the World

Klep and I are getting excited as the day for our next adventure rapidly approaches.  We have made lists and more lists.  Klep has explored websites endlessly and printed sheets for me to see the next morning.  After all, he is the night owl; I am the early bird.

Our next trip is something we have been dreaming about for years and this late summer just seemed like the right time to do it.  We will fly to London, overnight there, take a train and ferry to Dublin and spend a week seeing things on day trips from there.  We are not going on an organized tour, but we will take advantage of tour excursions which start in the capitol city.

We expect to have a wonderful time.  We always, no matter what, seem to have a good time, meet interesting people, see fascinating places, and come home with a renewed sense of just how beautiful this world that we live in is.

So, with our new blog started, we will be sharing experiences and photos on From Mosquito Gardens to the World.  We will share the trip to Ireland and then the week in London.

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