Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Two More Things off the List in London

London probably set a heat wave for this day today.  One of my vanities now that I have reached a certain age is that I do not wear sleeveless tops in public.  Well, honey (as we say down South) that rule went away today.  Before I had gotten very far on my journey today, the jacket came off and there I was in London, in public, in a sleeveless tank top.

Our first to do thing on our list for today was to tour St. Paul’s Cathedral, the magnificent house of worship that was built by Sir Christopher Wren built during the 1600’s after the great London fire that destroyed its predecessor.  We stopped after getting off the tube close to it to get some water for me and an expresso for Klep.  While we were there, we fell into a conversation with a London business woman who handles commercial real estate in the city.  We had a wonderful talk that lasted close to an hour and covered a wide range of subjects such as Briexit, the American political scene, Ireland, Irish history, and the concern Londoners have about what is going to have concerning relationships with Europe now that Britain is leaving the European Union.  After she headed off to her next meeting, we headed on over to the Cathedral and spent a couple of hours doing the tour with the headsets.  Since there were worship services going on, there was no photography within the building.

Klep gave me the gift of a taxi ride from St. Paul’s to the St. Martin’s Theater where we had theater tickets to see the long running play, The Mousetrap written by Agatha Christie. 
After we picked up our tickets, we grabbed a quick sandwich and more water.  The play was a delight.  Even though I had read it and
knew, “Who done it’” I did not give the secret away to Klep.

After the play, we joined commuters on the tube to head on our sweaty way back to the hotel.  I hear that by this time next week, a cool front will be here.

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