Yesterday was a good day! A really good day. It included a trip to Valdosta for physical therapy. In my world which has shrunk somewhat since I left normal on the ninth of November, there are certain things which bring joy. For example, I passed my distance pedaled on the stationary bike. In my ten minutes on the bike, I traveled 1.15 miles. Now, to those of you with "normal" lives, that probably seems small potatoes. Those of us who have been the recipient of two new knees with all the things necessary to get those marvels in there where the old ones were, that is pretty spectacular stuff.
I remember in the olden times (six days after surgery when I first sat on the bike) my feet had to be placed on the pedals and it was all I could do to just move them slightly forward and back. As time passed (12 days post surgery) I was able to push the pedal into a slow circle.
So, I celebrate my little achievement. The culmination of a PT session before the lovely time of just lying on the mat iced down with stimulating devices attached, is the measuring session where the therapist sees just how far the knee can bend. Now, if you just sit quite relaxed, feet on the floor, your knee will make a nice ninety degree angle. Keep pushing your heel back and the angle gets higher. My doctor was looking for a 120 degree angle to call the surgery a success. Now, in my little mind, I assumed that when I hit that goal, the measuring would stop. Nope. In the perfect knee, the bend angle can be higher. Yesterday we were at 127 on the left knee and 125 on the right. I am assuming that the right is lower because the surgery was more complicated on the "baddest" knee. We might have been able to get that angle higher yesterday, but it was a good day and I, frankly, wasn't in the mood for pain!
The next point of celebration was when we got home and I actually walked up the steps taking a step up with one foot and then proceeding to the next step with the other foot. Don't get me wrong! I was still using the handrail, but it has been a long, long time since I could walk up a set of steps somewhat normally without a whole lot of what I like to call "discomfort." This reminded me of why I decided that it was time to go through the surgery.
Not only was yesterday a good day with the knees, it was a beautiful day although somewhat chilly. We did not have an ice storm (that was the day before) and we did have a lovely sun drenched, blue sky day.
So, I continue. Today our adventure is for me to go to the grocery store with Klep. This will be the first store I have set foot in since the 8th of November! I am excited! He is excited because he is more than ready to return the chore of grocery shopping to me!
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