To our Facebook friends and family:
Since we have communicated with you all year, we will not be sending cards and notes to you. We still have friends who, for one reason or another, do not share our joy in instant communication. They will receive snail mail including the first two attempts to creatively share our year and greetings.
Attempt #1
Twas the week before Christmas, Klep spoke the dread word,
“Christmas cards need mailing, haven’t you heard?
To get far and wide they must be mailed tomorrow!”
Looking up from my book I stared in utter horror,
From me he expected clever memories to share!
I rose from the recliner, and gave him a glare.
As I stomped down the hall, to my left were the cards
From folks who have not felt this chore too hard!
The year, 2018, oh my--what should I say?
January, February, April and May,
June, July, August, September, October, then
Thanksgiving November Christmas December when
We will rewind, turn pages and start all over again!
We’ve logged many miles, been hither and there
We’ve been blessed by the Lord more than twas fair.
We celebrate this year, our Golden one for sure
And anticipate the New Year, all sparking and pure.
Merry Christmas, we say, and a Happy New Year!
May you be blessed and your life full of cheer.
Attempt #2
the shortest day of the year rapidly approaches, we pause to reflect on the
passing of another year,
2018, the year of our Golden Wedding anniversary! (note: true meaning: how did we get so old!)How good it is to reflect (interpret: remember in our ancient and toddery condition) not only on the
wonderfully blessed year we are completing, but also on the more than half a
century that we have now spent together traveling through this journey we call life.
Our days have been filled with little things and large, joys
and laughter, tears and sorrow as we have celebrated happy days and mourned
together the loss of those who have passed away.
Our family brings us joy as we watch our granddaughters
mature and our children lead good lives and negotiate the challenges of life.
We have shared many good moments with friends, family, and our church
family. We have enjoyed being a part of
our community and our county. It has
been a good year.
We have done some short traveling and enjoyed a few trips to
our place in Tennessee, but longer trips were pretty much put on hold as
Barbara continued to get back to full speed after her knee replacement. As we look forward to the next year, we are
planning an adventure or two!
We look forward to the small things which frame our
Christmas traditions: candlelight
service at New Hope, Christmas Eve supper of klep’s stuffed mushrooms, Klep reading aloud the Christmas story in Luke, and a
quiet day of celebrating Christmas with what family can make it to our
home. The others we will include with
the wonders of modern communication by way of the ubiquitous smart phones.
We pray your Christmas will be merry and your New Year
Ya'll just have the best old Christmas ever!
Barbara and Klep
From Mosquito Gardens here just south of the Florida/Georgia line
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