Thursday, November 16, 2017

Journey From home to home

A week ago, we were settling into a long day.  I remember little of the ride up or the process of getting into the little short bed in the same day surgical suite where all surgery patients except emergencies pass through.  I recognized the voice of my intake med person when she first spoke as she started the process, the sister on one of church sisters.  She sounds so much like Bridgett!

After the usual, my visitors were shown in and I finally managed to get them to leave for lunch, when I transitioned to the holding pen where my doctor visited briefly before he headed off to lunch.  I was finally wheeled into the OR where we had old home week with those I knew, one a former student, one a KA brother of Kevin, and one, Aaron, the nurse who is my hero.  After the spinal, I got the stuff which changed my level of awareness to zero and spent the afternoon oblivious although, chatty, according to those others who were there.  Everything went well and I came to awareness in the recovery room. 

By the time I was wheeled up to my room in the fifth floor tower, the sun had long since left the sky.  Here, I was treated to some rubbery jelly of some ilk and some broth.  Food was not high on my priority as I entered the next phase of the journey.  It was too late to get me up.  I finally persuaded my sweet family to go home and A.J. the nurse and I began our evening.  I truly believe some people find their calling, and this young man has.  I would like to clone him.  He was not only attentive, but he listened to me and he gave good advice.  I was blessed with more good crews through Sunday.  By then we knew I would not make the departure time of Sunday afternoon because my blood pressure had a way of plummeting which was somewhat disconcerting to the pt staff……I am sure they had a horror of me, the fat old lady with the bilateral lying on the floor!  Anyway, by Sunday, sessions were getting better, blood pressure wise.

Monday I worked really hard, two hours morning and afternoon on the CPM machine which bends the need constantly as well as sessions of walking with the walker and going up and down steps.  Believe you me, I wanted to earn that trip home.  After all, Klep had installed a beautiful new handrail by the back steps and I needed to try it out!

Nurse Crotchet, finally got me rolling out in a rather non user friendly chair after I cooled my heels.  I am sure she was as glad to be rid of me as I was of her, but I do wish she had removed the IV port from my arm before I was discharged. Rob and Traci saw to my transition and trip up the steps with the lovely galvanized handrail.  I was soon chilling in my bed with the ice coolers circulating.
Tuesday I ate my one meal at the table, per doctor's instructions.  I did my exercises and walking.  Klep got me all situated and made a flying trip to Jasper to the CVS and back, tethered by the trusty cell device.  We are trying to keep to people in the house to a bare minimum.  What is a minor little bug to a healthy person is a bag deal to someone with a couple of knee replacements.  We love you all, but at a distance right now.
Body systems were finally on their way back to normal by Wednesday.  We made the first trip, bully clothed to PT.  Klep did errands while I worked with the therapist.  The time sitting upright, knees bent is difficult to say the least, but each time I do it, it will get easier.
Last night was a good night with one really long stretch of sleep.  After early morning meds, Klep even managed to have a lie in which he needed.
I am thankful for all of your prayers.  I feel the love and care of all of you.  I ask your patience as I take this time I have to do something which I find somewhat hard to do.....focus on myself and getting better.
I remember that I serve the Greatest Healer of All and that this will get better and better each day.


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